Relevant courses taken during my Bachelor's program, this page is updated every semester
semester 1
- Calculus I
- Discrete Mathematics
- Linear Algebra
semester 2
- Mathematical Applications
- Physics I
- Calculus II
- Differential Equations and Numerical Methods
semester 3
- C Programming
- Algorithms
- Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
- Physics II
- Probability and Statistics
semester 4
- Cybernetics and AI
- Electron Devices
- Microcontrollers
- Computer Architectures
- Quantum Computing
semester 5 (current)
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Logic Systems and Processors
- Computer and Communication Networks
- Semester Project
semester 6 (expected)
- Bachelor Thesis (Data-flow framework for complex machine learning pipelines)
- Statistical Machine Learning
- 2 more yet to be decided